Fifth Golden Sunshine Blogger Award!

Last month, 18 Cinema Lane was nominated for a fifth Sunshine Blogger Award! Because the nomination was given to me around the start of The Legends of Western Cinema Week, I postponed my award post until that week had passed. Now that I found some time to write and publish this post, it’s time to accept another award! This nomination comes from animegoodreads from the blog, animegoodreads! Their award-winning site covers various anime titles and discusses non-anime topics from time to time. If you’re interested, you can check out animegoodreads’ blog at this link:


Thank you animegoodreads for my fifth Sunshine Blogger Award, as I appreciate your thoughtfulness! Before the award post officially begins, I need to list the rules, which are:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you in the blog post and link back to their blog.

2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.

3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.

4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

  1. As a blogger, what is more important to you other than just writing blog posts?

Something I have always strived to do is give recognition to those who don’t often receive it. This is why you’ll see me talk about lesser known subjects from time to time. I hope by addressing these people, films, and topics, they can finally achieve recognition.

2. If you were to create your own anime, then explain how would the “protagonist” would look and behave like?

An anime that I like is Sailor Moon. Throughout the series, the audience gets to see Serena/Usagi grow as a person and hero over time. For my anime, I would create a character that grows and adapts as the series went on. This would be a relatable concept, as people can change throughout the journey of life. As for the look, the protagonist would have more realistic looking features. They would also dress in age-appropriate attire.

3. Any best moment or scene from an anime/movie/drama show that you would like to share with us?

A scene I’ll choose for this question comes from the best movie I’ve seen this year so far, The Boy Who Could Fly. The scene features the protagonist, Milly, watching home videos with her mother and brother. Milly’s friend, Eric, also watches these videos, as he was invited to her house for dinner. These videos cause an emotional reaction from the family, as they feature the family’s father who had died prior to the film’s events. Eric also experiences an emotional reaction, even though he had never met Milly’s father. This is an important moment for Eric because he made a personal breakthrough, as it shows Eric is capable of forming connections with others.

4. Are you a gamer? If yes, then which types of games do you prefer to play the most?

I don’t play many video games, so I wouldn’t consider myself a “gamer”. In terms of board games, however, I’ve enjoyed playing the Blockbuster party game!

5. What is more important to you, sports or academics?

I’d say academics. Sports offer no guarantee for longevity, as many different factors can come into play. I have heard of athletes experiencing injuries that have ended their careers. For every superstar in the world of sports, there are probably five athletes who don’t enjoy success or fame. Once you receive an education, no one can take that knowledge away from you. You can apply it to any area of your life and can even create a career of your choosing.

6. Any thrilling childhood experience that you had with your friends or family, maybe an adventure or a memorable trip? If yes, then please share!

As I’ve mentioned before in an award post, I’ve ridden on an elephant! This happened many years ago while I attended the circus. I haven’t been to the circus for a long time, so I would like to attend one (after the Coronavirus passes) if there are any around. If given the opportunity, I’d also like to ride on an elephant again!

Happy sun image created by Freepik at <a href=””>Background vector created by freepik –</a>. Image found at

7. Your thoughts on the current “COVID” scenario. (Very Odd Question)

I’m not one to be envious of other people. But when I see posts on the internet of fellow movie-goers returning to the cinema, I can’t help feeling a little jealous. This is because, where I live, the theaters are not open or the drive-ins aren’t showing many new titles. I know I can wait until newer films are available for rent. However, if I were to summarize my feelings in a nutshell, it would be frustration.

8. Some skillful dreams that you want to accomplish (Ex. Riding a horse, Mountain Climbing etc)?

As I’ve said in a previous award post, I’d like to improve my swimming skills. I also want to become a better roller-skater. I hope to focus on these skills after 2020.

9. Any countries or places where you want to visit just to relax and chill?

For years, I’ve wanted to travel to Hawaii. I knew someone that decided to take a vacation there and they ended up having a good experience. Hawaii seems like one of those places where pictures and videos don’t do it justice!

10. Arrange the following points based upon the priority (high to low) that you consider the most while watching an anime. The points are : Story, Characters, Animation, Music and Dialogues.

I’ll admit I don’t watch a lot of anime. But if I did choose to watch an anime, here are how I’d arrange these points:

  • Story
  • Dialogue
  • Characters
  • Animation
  • Music

11. In the future, will you change the ‘prime niche’ of your blog or continue to write on the same topic?

For now, I don’t plan on changing 18 Cinema Lane’s ‘prime niche’. However, I will continue to publish content that is different from the niche, such as re-caps of When Calls the Heart and Chesapeake Shores. This will be done in an attempt to create a sense of variety on my blog.

Fancy jewelry image created by Freepic.diller at <a href=””>Wedding photo created by freepic.diller –</a>. Image found at


Asra Anime from key of knowledge

Irina from I drink and watch anime

Lacie from Building The Love Shack

Sofia from Live Sofiabulous

Anketsu from Anketsu

Paul from Paul’s Pages Too

Ania Juzak from Holiday Royal Way

Kristen from KN Winiarski Writes

Jessica from Comet Over Hollywood

MovieCritic from Movies Meet Their Match

Little Miss Traveler from Love Travelling Blog

During The Legends of Western Cinema Week, I won Heidi’s, from Along the Brandywine, giveaway, where I won the John Wayne playing cards in the photo above. This is honestly the nicest set of cards I’ve ever received! The gnome in the picture was not included.
  1. What is the most creative blog post idea you’ve ever thought of?
  2. When was the last time you left a comment on someone else’s blog?
  3. Is there a movie or tv show other people like that you don’t? If so, what is it?
  4. Do you like reading? If so, what book are you currently reading?
  5. What is a movie related opinion you and your friend see eye-to-eye on?
  6. Is there any advice your family has given you that has be applicable to your blog?
  7. Has Coronavirus affected your blog in any way? How?
  8. What was the most recent gift you purchased for a loved one?
  9. Have you come across a character from media that you found relatable? Who and why?
  10. If given the opportunity, which movie scene would you re-do?
  11. What are your thoughts on time travel?

Have fun at the movies!

Sally Silverscreen

7 thoughts on “Fifth Golden Sunshine Blogger Award!

  1. Pingback: Sunshine Blogger award – 2 – Live Sofiabulous

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