Accepting my Fourth Blogger Recognition Award!

While the Legends of Western Cinema Week was just getting started, I was nominated for my fourth Blogger Recognition Award! Like my Sunshine Blogger Award nomination, I waited until after the aforementioned blogathon to officially accept my award. Before the start of any new blogging events, I’m taking this time to create my award post. This award was given to me by J-Dub, creator of the blog Dubsism! On this blog, you’ll find thorough articles about sports and film. J-Dub also has several interesting series, such as “Movies Everybody Loves That I Hate” and “Sports Analogies Hidden In Classic Movies”. You can check out these and other articles at this link:

Thank you, J-Dub, for giving me my fourth Blogger Recognition Award! I appreciate your kind words and thoughtfulness. Before I start this award process, let me list the rules below:

#1: Thank the blogger who nominated you and include a link to their blog.

#2: Post the award banner on your blog.

#3: Share the reason you started your blog.

#4: Share two pieces of advice for new bloggers.

#5: Nominate a maximum of 15 other bloggers.

#6: Tell your nominees

Because this is the fourth time I’ve received this award, I’ll post a link to my very first blog post and my first Blogger Recognition Award post. I’m doing this to avoid repeating myself.

I Received my First Blogger Recognition Award!

Introducing Sally Silverscreen and 18 Cinema Lane

The first piece of advice I will give is to think before you post. Behind every keyboard is a human being with thoughts, feelings, and their own unique perspectives. There have also been stories where things said and done on the internet have negatively affected people in the long run. Every published post should be given a good amount of thought before it gets released to the public. My second piece of advice is always proofread your work. No writer is perfect, as there are going to be errors in almost any piece of writing. Taking the time to proofread articles before they are published will improve their overall quality.

Winner’s medal image created by Freepik at <a href=’’>Designed by Freepik</a>. <a href=””>Gold vector created by Freepik</a>. Image found at

JJ Smith from Joanne Smith Marketing

Anderson Cox from Health Fitness and Diet

Kambrea from Pirates & Princesses

Rachel from Rachel’s Reviews

dbmoviesblog from dbmoviesblog

Tari from Cuddle Up With a Cozy Mystery

Kerry from I’ve Scene It on Hallmark

Allen Rizzi from allenrizzi

Joanna from Murder, She Watched

Jenny from Silver Screen Suppers

Luke from Luke Atkins – Film and Music Critic

Wandering Ambivert from Wandering Ambivert

Summer from Not Your Season: Summer’s Blog

Kim from Tranquil Dreams

K from K at the Movies

During The Legends of Western Cinema Week, I won Hamlette’s, from Hamlette’s Soliloquy, giveaway, where I won the John Wayne Hot Chocolate in the photo above. Once I’m finished with the hot cocoa, I will use this as a TBR (to be read) tin!

Have fun at the movies!

Sally Silverscreen

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