Introducing my Double Feature: 2004 Edition!

Every time I publish one hundred posts, I commemorate the achievement by creating a double feature; reviewing two films that have at least one thing in common. My 800th blog post was a Word on the Street story about the possibility of a sequel for The Polar Express. Since that movie was released in 2004, I chose two titles from that year to review in this double feature. Those titles are I Am David and Hallmark’s adaptation of Frankenstein. It’s been a while since I attempted to answer a question through my double feature reviews. So, this time, I will try to find an answer to the following question:

Based on these two movies, how has the cinematic landscape changed in twenty years?

Popcorn and movie ticket image created by Freepik at <a href=’’>Designed by Freepik</a>. <a href=””>Layout image created by Freepik</a>. Image found at

Have fun at the movies!

Sally Silverscreen

Take 3: A Horse Called Wish Review + 485 Follower Thank You

For this Blog Follower Dedication Review, I wanted to step away from the realm of Hallmark movies. I do enjoy reviewing Hallmark productions and writing about Hallmark related topics. But with my recent review of True Justice: Family Ties, my list of the top ten Hallmark movies that should have received a sequel, and my Word on the Street story about CrimeTime: Freefall, I wanted to offer my readers other cinematic titles through my articles. I just checked out a movie titled A Horse Called Wish. Though I have written about “horse films” before, these types of films are rarely featured on 18 Cinema Lane. Another reason why I chose to write about A Horse Called Wish is because the story not only takes place in Mauritius, the movie was filmed there as well. I haven’t heard of many stories or movies from this African country. In fact, A Horse Called Wish is probably the first I’ve come across. With that said, I wanted to see how a more unique perspective would impact the landscape of the “horse film”!

A Horse Called Wish poster created by Perplexia Pictures, Great Point Media, Red Rabbit Media, Two Oceans Production (TOP), and Jetpack Distribution

Things I liked about the film:

Avoiding “horse movie” cliches: Within the realm of “horse movies”, there are certain cliches found within each story. While some of these cliches can be found in A Horse Called Wish, the creative team behind the film avoided other cliches. One cliché from “horse movies” is the “misunderstood horse” cliché, where the horse in question is either a wild horse that would rather be set free by the protagonist or the horse is a descendent of wild horses and has a spirit that can’t be tamed. While the titular horse, Wish, is misunderstood, he is perceived that way for different reasons. I won’t be discussing those reasons because I don’t want to spoil the movie for any of my readers who are interested in watching it. In “horse movies”, one of three landscapes will be commonly featured in the story. These types of landscapes are either desert, mountainous, or the “manicured lawn” (where riding academies or stables are surrounded by lawns and foliage that appear well-cared for). Since A Horse Called Wish takes place in and was filmed in Mauritius, the landscape surrounding the characters and horses is tropical. Through long and medium shots, volcanic mountains, green fields, and even glimpses of the ocean display the natural beauty Mauritius has to offer. This creative decision also gave A Horse Called Wish a unique identity among other “horse movies”!

Hannah Gonera’s performance: No matter the genre, it’s important for a story’s main character to be a likable individual with a good personality. Cindy Moreau, the protagonist of A Horse Called Wish, was able to be this type of character thanks to Hannah Gonera’s performance! Hannah’s expressions and reactions were fluid, appearing seamlessly throughout the movie. The strength of Hannah’s acting abilities made her portrayal of Cindy seem realistic! Cindy’s interactions with other characters proves this point. Sometimes, Cindy confides in her boss from the food truck where they work together. These scenes are reminiscent of Daniel and Mr. Miyagi from The Karate Kid, as Cindy is guided by her mentor. Whenever her boss gives useful advice or encouraging words, Cindy always looks appreciative. From being thankful over receiving a job interview to being disappointed by her mother’s refusal for Cindy to work at a local riding academy, Cindy’s emotions came across as genuine.

The messages and themes: “Horse movies” will typically include themes and messages that younger viewers can learn from and older viewers can appreciate. Within A Horse Called Wish, there are some good messages and themes that were incorporated in the story well! Cindy is passionate about equine sports, from constantly reading a book about horses to frequently visiting a local riding academy. Toward the beginning of the movie, she accepts a job as a stable-hand. I once heard a quote about dreams not working unless you do. As montages of Cindy cleaning the stables and taking care of the horses are shown on screen, she lives by that quote as she creates a good foundation of being a good equestrian. I also heard a quote about finding a job that makes you look forward to go to work. Through another montage, viewers can see Cindy excited to go to the riding academy, as she displays a smile on her face every time she wakes up in the morning. The message of actively working toward dreams and the theme of finding a job that makes you happy can give viewers advice to apply to their lives.

White horse image created by Gabor Palla at “ Palla.”

What I didn’t like about the film:

Contradictory dialogue: In A Horse Called Wish, there were a few times when the dialogue contradicted the characters’ surroundings. Toward the start of the movie, two riding academy students (Elizabeth and Charlotte) visit the food truck Cindy works at. This food truck has restaurant space near the truck for patrons to sit down and eat their meal. While Cindy is waiting on their table, Charlotte claims the salt shaker has fallen on the floor. However, the restaurant space is outdoors, so the salt shaker fell on the ground. Later in the movie, Elizabeth is trying to have a conversation with her father. In order to quickly finish the conversation, he tells his daughter to go home and go to bed. Based on the lighting surrounding these characters, it appears this conversation took place in the afternoon.

Limited scenes of equine performance: One of the staples of a “horse movie” is the inclusion of equine performance. Whether it’s equine competitions, horses performing stunts, or simply seeing horses jumping, these types of equine performance can look impressive on screen and can provide a story with action and excitement. While there was equine performance found in A Horse Called Wish, these moments were far and few between. Since the story’s riding academy prioritizes the English riding style, there is a show-jumping competition featured in the film. However, this competition serves as the story’s climax, meaning it doesn’t take place until the movie is almost over. Most of the time, horses are shown trotting or walking in a canter.

Too many story elements: As I mentioned earlier in this review, Cindy is passionate about equine sports, willing to work to make her dreams a reality. But this serves as only one element of the overall story. Other story elements are included in the script, such as Cindy dealing with bullying and Cindy’s mother looking for employment. Because of how many story elements were featured in the film, some parts of the story happened too quickly. It also caused the overall story to feel bogged down. With that said, I wish A Horse Called Wish had one main plot and two subplots.

Horse with saddle photo created by Topntp26 at <a href=’’>Designed by Freepik</a>. <a href=””>Background image created by Topntp26 –</a>. Image found at

My overall impression:

Before I share my thoughts on A Horse Called Wish, I want to thank every follower of 18 Cinema Lane! With these special Blog Follower Dedication Reviews, I always try to find movies that my readers will enjoy and films that expand their cinematic horizons. I look forward to finding more titles my readers are excited to read about! Now, back to talking about A Horse Called Wish. While watching this movie, I could tell the creative team behind the movie had their hearts in the right place. With some of their creative decisions, A Horse Called Wish brought a more unique perspective and identity to the world of “horse films”. But the 2019 film shared qualities of other “horse films”, such as good messages and themes. A Horse Called Wish does have its flaws. These flaws, like limited scenes of equine performance, held the movie back from being a stronger production. What I do appreciate is how this film gave me an opportunity to watch a piece of cinema created in Mauritius. With the Summer Olympics on the horizon, it makes me wonder if, one day, we’ll see an equestrian from Mauritius winning a medal on the Olympic stage?

Overall score: 6 out of 10

Have you seen A Horse Called Wish? Are there any “horse films” you’d recommend for a future review? Let me know in the comment section!

Have fun at the movies!

Sally Silverscreen

Two Sunshine Blogger Awards are Better Than One!

Back in August, Hamlette, from Hamlette’s Soliloquy, nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award! A month later, Rebecca, from Taking Up Room, also nominated me for this same award! Because I was nominated twice in a short amount of time, I’m accepting my eighth and ninth Sunshine Blogger Awards by answering half of Rebecca’s questions and half of Hamlette’s questions. Thank you, Rebecca and Hamlette for the nominations! It’s been over a year since I received a blogging award, so this was such a pleasant surprise for me! Before I start answering the award questions, here are the official award rules which are:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you in the blog post and link back to their blog.

2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.

3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.

4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

Sunshine Blogger Award image found on Hamlette’s Soliloquy

1. What are your top five movies from this year? So far, anyway.

  1. Hallmark Hall of Fame’s Caroline?
  2. Hallmark Hall of Fame’s A Tale of Two Cities
  3. The Great Muppet Caper
  4. Haunted Harmony Mysteries: Murder in G Major
  5. RKO 281

2. What’s the last movie you watched?

I recently saw the Lifetime movie, Stalked by My Stepsister. While the film was ok, even somewhat predictable, I was impressed with Eva Igo’s portrayal of Devon, the titular stepsister! In Lifetime movies, a villainous character will typically have a more over-the-top personality as their true colors start to show. Eva consistently carried her character with a poised seriousness, her performance reminding me of performances I’ve seen in period dramas/historical fiction projects. Therefore, I’d like to see Eva star in a period drama/historical fiction program some day!

3. Which movies do you think deserve the Broadway treatment?

With the entertainment industry capitalizing on ‘80s nostalgia, I’m surprised no one has thought of remaking the 1985 movie, Girls Just Want to Have Fun. It’s been years since I saw the film. But from what I remember, I liked it! Since the story revolves around a dance competition, there are plenty of performing and choregraphing opportunities for a Broadway show. Plus, there’s always the option of either retelling the story in the ‘80s or putting the story in a new era!

4. What’s the next movie you plan to watch?

For my Familyathon blogathon, I’m planning on watching and reviewing the 1979 made-for-TV movie, …and Your Name Is Jonah! I haven’t had the best of luck finding a television film from the ‘70s I like, so I’m hoping this one is good!

5. Which movies are you looking forward to seeing next year?

The recent writers and actors strike have caused several movies to be pushed back from their original release dates. However, most of the films that have 2024 release dates seem to be unnecessary sequels. I also don’t know what’s in store for Hallmark, as the network has not announced any upcoming movies for 2024. Despite all this, there are things I’m looking forward to next year, such as season eleven of When Calls the Heart and the Eurovisionathon readathon!

6. Pirates or vampires?

Since I’ve reviewed more movies featuring vampires, that’s what I’ll choose.

Happy sun image created by Freepik at <a href=””>Background vector created by freepik –</a>. Image found at

7. Which movies (if any) do you regret watching this year?

Honestly, I can’t think of any films I’ve seen this year that I’ve regretted watching and/or reviewing. I approach every movie I see hoping it is good. Even if one turns out less than stellar, I still try to find things about the film I liked. This is the reason why I start every movie review talking about what I liked about the movie. No matter how a film turns out, I’m grateful for the opportunity to receive my own, honest opinion on it.

8. What TV show(s) have you seen every episode of at least once?

Definitely When Calls the Heart! This includes the Christmas/holiday films and the Hallmark movie from 2013.

9. You have the chance to be a guest host on TCM. Which show do you host or which kinds of movies do you want to introduce?

During these five years of movie blogging, I have reviewed many made-for-tv movies. Some of these titles have been hidden gems, such as the aforementioned RKO 281. While I don’t know if made-for-TV films would be considered “classic” cinema, I would want to host a made-for-TV movie marathon!

10. What new movie release are you looking forward to?

As I stated in answer number five, the recent writers and actors strike have caused several movies to be pushed back from their original release dates. Not only do most of the films with 2024 release dates seem to be unnecessary sequels, Hallmark also hasn’t announced any upcoming movies for 2024. But based on the trailers I’ve seen, Napolean looks like it has potential to be an interesting period drama. I’ll wait until I’ve heard reviews of the movie before I decide to check it out.

11. Do you have a favorite silent movie? If so, which one?

I haven’t reviewed many silent films on my blog. But out of the ones I’ve written about, I liked both Sunnyside and Wild Oranges! Since I reviewed each movie for a Blog Follower Dedication Review, I’ll link these reviews below if you’re interested in reading my opinion on the films.

Take 3: Wild Oranges Review + 95 Follower Thank You

Take 3: Sunnyside Review + 100 Follower Thank You

Woman celebrating victory image created by Freepik at <a href=””>Gold vector created by freepik –</a>. Image found at 

The New Nominees are…

Ari from The Classic Movie Muse

Jillian from The Classic Film Connection

Paul from Silver Screen Classics

Eric Binford from Diary of a Movie Maniac

Heidi from Along the Brandywine

Annette from Hometowns to Hollywood

Samantha from Musings of a Classic Film Addict

MovieRob from MovieRob

Terence from A Shroud of Thoughts

The Metzinger Sisters from Silver Scenes

Erica from Poppity Talks Classic Film

The New Questions

Movie award essentials image created by Freepik at <a href=””>Background psd created by freepik –</a>. Image found at 
  1. What movie or tv show do you think is “bonkers”?
  2. You’re going on a trip to a theme park with your five favorite characters! Which characters are invited on this trip?
  3. What Christmas/holiday movie trope/cliché do you believe is overused?
  4. Which blog post is your most underrated?
  5. If you received a movie related gift from a loved one, what would it be?
  6. You have a chance to travel back in time to try a discontinued item from McDonald’s menu. What would you choose to order?
  7. Which family from a movie, book, or tv show would you like to share Thanksgiving dinner with?
  8. What is a movie or tv related mystery you’d love to receive the answer to?
  9. Which secondary character do you think deserves their own stand-alone film?
  10. What is the worst movie or tv show you’ve seen this year, so far?
  11. Is there a movie you’d love to re-watch in a theater? If so, which one?

Have fun at the movies!

Sally Silverscreen

Sunset Over Hope Valley: Achieving Inspiration

Every character on When Calls the Heart has been inspired by something or someone. Once this inspiration is found, each character has been encouraged to either follow their dreams, change their life, or make a difference. Reflecting on the show, even this season, it seems like Hope Valley is abundant with inspiration. Despite the town’s small size, the inspiration found has made a big impact. I can only speak for myself, but When Calls the Heart has inspired me, when it comes to writing my re-cap posts. Things characters say, an overarching theme, or an observation have served as a re-cap post’s title, as well as a main talking point for the introduction. As the sun sets on the tenth season, let’s re-cap the season finale of When Calls the Heart!

Just a reminder: If you did not see the season finale of When Calls the Heart, there will be spoilers within this re-cap.

When Calls the Heart season ten poster created by Crown Media Family Networks and Hallmark Channel

Season: 10

Episode: 12

Name: Starry Nights

Major story:

The Governor election is just around the corner! Everyone in Hope Valley is doing their part to make their votes count. Elizabeth and Rosemary volunteer to run the voting booths. Meanwhile, Lee, Bill, and Mike try to keep the saloon afloat. Ned suggests voters wear buttons advertising they had voted, an idea that helps Rosemary and Elizabeth later in the episode. When the voting polls open, the lines are moving slowly. Rosemary creates more booths so more people can vote. Hours later, when the polls are about to close, Elizabeth and Rosemary discover several residents have not voted. They walk around town, identifying those who haven’t voted by their lack of buttons. Their efforts seem to have paid off, as Lucas wins the Governor election by twenty-one votes! While Hope Valley is celebrating, someone in Capital City is not happy. They meet with Lucas one evening, shining their headlights in Lucas’ face. During this encounter, Lucas seems to recognize the unknown person. The next day, Bill tells Elizabeth and Nathan something has happened to Lucas. The episode ends with Bill, Elizabeth, and Nathan riding on a forest path.

Old fashioned telephone image created by Kues1 at <a href=””>Vintage photo created by kues1 –</a>. Image found at

Minor stories:

Goldy’s Baptism is on the horizon. Rosemary wonders who could be Goldy’s Godfather. Lee suggests Henry serve that role, as Goldy seems happy when Henry is around. Lee also brings up how becoming Goldy’s Godfather could give Henry something to look forward to. When Lee asks Henry to be Goldy’s Godfather, Henry turns down the offer at first, saying he doesn’t know much about God or being a father. But he ends up changing his mind, making an appearance at Goldy’s Baptism. Later in the episode, Henry reflects on his time working across the street from Abigail. He tells Elizabeth even though the view hasn’t changed, he has. The next day, Henry visits Abigail at her house.

Mike and Mei want to spend more time together. Because of their jobs, they haven’t picked a day and time. Mei suggests meeting the following day at three, with Mike agreeing to meet. But Mike’s role on election day causes him to be busy, making Mei believe he stood her up. Disappointed with himself, Mike turns to Fiona for advice. She suggests being honest with Mei, a suggestion Mike takes to heart. That evening, Mike apologizes to Mei, explaining why he was late for their date. Mei tells Mike she likes him. Now at a mutual understanding, they dance in celebration of Lucas’ success.

Image by Freepik

Some thoughts to consider:

  • I’m going to be honest; this season finale was underwhelming. If anything, the stories were more predictable than in past seasons. Plus, Elizabeth’s romantic conflict was not resolved. That creative decision is frustrating, especially since it feels like the characters are going back to the beginning of the love triangle. While I’m looking forward to season eleven, I hope Elizabeth’s relationship issues are given more clarity.
  • Season ten of When Calls the Heart was, in my opinion, a little bit better than season nine. Once again, Henry’s story was one of the strongest. Plus, I liked the introduction of Harry and the return of Rosaleen. But some of the flaws of the past season found their way into the tenth season. Madeleine’s story was drawn out a little longer than necessary. Elizabeth’s story was, again, the weakest one. Revisiting the love triangle didn’t help, rehashing a story that should have already been resolved. As I’ve already said, I’m looking forward to season eleven. However, I hope it’s stronger than both season nine and ten.
  • Is it just me or am I the only Heartie who thinks Henry’s fondness for Abigail is random? From what I remember, Henry was never romantically interested in Abigail. While Abigail was cordial with Henry, she was falling in love with Frank, Hope Valley’s former pastor. I know Henry has brought up Abigail for a few seasons now. I would also like to see Henry find true love. But personally, I’d rather witness a new character capture Henry’s heart.
  • There have been several times this season where Fiona gave other characters advice. This advice has solved problems and made people happy. With Fiona’s success and the introduction of Hope Valley’s radio, I would love to see Fiona create her own radio show! Her experience with technology could work in her favor. Plus, she has such a friendly personality, one that listeners would find easy to warm up to. While the sky is the limit for Fiona’s career, a radio show would provide an exciting chapter in Fiona’s story!
Sunset image created by Photoangel at <a href=””>Background image created by Photoangel –</a>.<a href=’’>Designed by Freepik</a>. Image found at

What are your thoughts on season ten’s finale? What would you like to see in season eleven? Let me know in the comment section!

Have fun in Hope Valley!

Sally Silverscreen

The Top Ten ‘When Calls the Heart’ Characters I’d Love to See Return

When I published my review for the adaptation of The Grapes of Wrath, that post became my 750th published article! Since then, I’ve been trying to find the right topic to write about to commemorate the milestone. My most recent re-cap of When Calls the Heart has, within a 24-hour period, become the most popular article I’ve ever written on 18 Cinema Lane, garnering over 8,000 views and counting! Since my readers have an interest in When Calls the Heart related content, I decided to create a list of the top ten characters I’d love to see return to the show! With the arrival of Rosaleen Sullivan, I wondered which other characters could come back. As the show is now is in tenth season, it wasn’t difficult to think of characters to include on this list. From characters debuting in one of When Calls the Heart’s seasonal films to beloved faces who have spent years in Hope Valley, here is my list of the top ten character I’d love to see return to the show!

When Calls the Heart: Home for Christmas poster created by Hallmark Channel and Crown Media Family Networks. Image found at

1. Tom Thornton

I have mentioned in the past how Tom Thornton is my favorite character from When Calls the Heart. He was even included in my “Flaming Hot…5 Reasons Why” Tag post! Tom returned to the show in season five, attending Jack and Elizabeth’s wedding. But so much has changed since then, with Tom losing his brother and becoming an uncle. Since the end of season five, I have wondered how Tom has dealt with life after receiving both good and bad news. I also speculated how his life might have changed since his story was last included on the show. It would be nice to see Tom find true love again and maybe even get married on When Calls the Heart! With season ten still on television and season eleven on the horizon, only time will tell.

2. Carson Shepherd

Ever since Carson left Hope Valley, I feel like Faith’s story has been put on hold. While her career seems to be thriving, she hasn’t moved forward in the relationship department. There’s still so much left unsaid between Faith and Carson. I don’t feel like their conflict ever truly got resolved. Even though Hope Valley already has a doctor in town, it would be nice to see Carson and Faith work together again. Maybe they could rekindle their relationship as well.

3. Phillip

Phillip was one of Elizabeth’s students. He left Hope Valley in order to receive eyesight saving surgery. Since then, Phillip or his father have never returned to town. I always wondered if the surgery was a success. I also wondered what became of Phillip and his family. Did Phillip’s father remarry? Did Phillip remain an only child? Erin Krakow and Niall Matter, the actor who portrayed Phillip’s father, Shane, have worked together on several Hallmark projects. If Phillip couldn’t appear on the show, Niall could reprise his role as Shane. This way, Shane could give viewers an update on his son through dialogue.

4. Walter

Walter made his Hope Valley debut in the movie, When Calls the Heart: Home for Christmas. In that film, he was a traveling salesman, struggling to make money. Since the movie’s release in 2019, Walter hasn’t returned to Hope Valley. He hasn’t been brought up by any of the characters either. I do wonder if he is still a traveling salesman or if he found a new calling, similar to Joseph Canfield’s story. If Walter were to come back to town, the audience would receive some closure to his story.

5. Christopher and Rachel

In season eight, it was revealed Henry had a son named Christopher. That season showed father and son reconnecting. But Henry was not the only character Christopher connected with. Fans saw Christopher and Lee’s niece, Rachel, falling in love. The younger couple stayed on When Calls the Heart for one season. Early in season nine, Henry learns Rachel and Christopher plan to get married in the near future. However, these wedding plans haven’t been brought up since last season. Though Lucas and Elizabeth’s wedding will, hopefully, take place in season eleven, I hope Rachel and Christopher consider getting married in Hope Valley. Maybe they could be the first couple to host either an outdoor wedding or a Christmas wedding!

Since Tom Thornton is included in this list, I figured putting this picture of Tom and Jack in this article made sense.  Image created by Crown Media Family Networks and Hallmark Channel.

6. Dottie

Dottie was one of the original residents of Coal Valley, losing her husband in the coal mining tragedy that took place prior to the show’s events. Over the course of the series, Dottie started her own business; a dress shop where Rosemary worked before creating the town’s newspaper. As the dress shop expanded outside of Hope Valley, Dottie left town to manage those stores. Because of her departure, the dress shop closed and became the ice cream parlor and pharmacy. Since Rosaleen Sullivan came back to the show, it would be nice to see Dottie return. I remember Dottie, Mollie, and Florence were good friends in When Calls the Heart’s earlier seasons, so it would be wonderful to see them reunite!

7. Hattie

Hattie is another student of Elizabeth’s that disappeared. When she and her mother moved to Hope Valley, Hattie was grieving the loss of her friend. During her time as a student of the Jack Thornton School, Hattie was one of the children who first brought up Hope Valley’s ice cream parlor. But she mentioned the ice cream parlor back in season five and since then, the story seems to have forgotten Hattie exists. I haven’t seen Hattie on the show in a long time. Plus, none of Elizabeth’s students bring Hattie up either. If Rosaleen can receive closure on her story, I think it’s only fair for Hattie to receive closure for her story too.

8. Cody and Becky

Cody and Becky were introduced to Hearties in the film, When Calls the Heart: New Year’s Wish. Since their introduction, Abigail adopted the siblings and the family lived in Abigail’s Café. Because of Lori Loughlin’s involvement in the infamous college admissions scandal, not only was Abigail written off the show, Becky and Cody were written off the show as well. Before this happened, Becky was attending college and Cody was still enrolled at the Jack Thornton School. Even if it was just for one episode, I would like to see Cody and Becky revisit Hope Valley. From what I remember, Cody and Robert were close friends. So, seeing them go on an adventure together would serve as a potential story for a future episode!

9. Laura

Besides Rosaleen Sullivan, Laura was one of Elizabeth’s first students back in season one. In recent seasons, Laura was not only attending college, but she was also babysitting Jack Jr. While watching this current season, I realized Laura hasn’t appeared in any scenes. Elizabeth didn’t mention her either. I’m curious about Laura’s whereabouts and how her story turns out. If both Laura and Rosaleen appeared on the show together, maybe the show’s fans could witness a school reunion in the future, especially since the Jack Thornton School never hosted a reunion before!

10. Charles Kensington

As I was creating this list, I thought about all the characters who could create drama in the town. The first character that came to mind was Charles Kensington. A childhood friend of Elizabeth, Charles came onto the show in season two. He only appeared in that season, never brought up or shown on screen again. I would love to see how his life turned out after Elizabeth refused his offers. An interaction between Charles and Lucas would be very interesting as well.

When Calls the Heart season ten poster created by Crown Media Family Networks and Hallmark Channel

Have fun in Hope Valley!

Sally Silverscreen

My Results in 2023’s Eurovisionathon

For the past four weeks, I’ve been participating in the Eurovisionathon readathon! Hosted by Helen, from the Youtube channel, Helen’s Book Haven, this event encourages participants to read books associated with Eurovision’s competing countries in a month-long time-frame. This was my first year taking part in the readathon and, like other readathons, I was curious to see how well I’d perform. In the months leading up to the event, I cultivated a TBR (to be read) list of diverse literary works, in an attempt to make my reading experience as enriching as possible. My goal was to read twenty-six books in a month, as there were twenty-six countries competing in Eurovision’s Grand Final. But was I able to obtain this goal or was this goal too lofty? Let’s find out in this break-down of my Eurovisionathon results!

Eurovisionathon 2023 book collection image created by Sally Silverscreen

In this year’s Eurovision, thirty-seven countries competed in the contest. There were six countries that automatically qualified for the Grand Final. These countries were the “Big Five” (United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, and Italy) and Ukraine (the winner of the previous year’s song contest). Two Semi-Finals determined the rest of the countries partaking in the Grand Final alongside the six aforementioned countries, with fifteen countries competing in the first Semi-Final and sixteen countries competing in the second Semi-Final. Out of the six automatic qualifiers, I read five books, as I knew I would receive guaranteed points no matter how those countries performed.

Eurovisionathon 2023 “book collection “Big Five” and Ukraine image created by Sally Silverscreen

From the first Semi-Final, I read six books. These books represented Portugal, Croatia, Israel, Moldova, Sweden, and Finland. All six countries advanced to the Grand Final.

Eurovisionathon 2023 First Semi-Final image created by Sally Silverscreen

From the second Semi-Final, I read four books. These books represented Romania, Iceland, Australia, and Slovenia. Only Australia and Slovenia advanced to the Grand Final.

Eurovisionathon 2023 Second Semi-Final image created by Sally Silverscreen

Eurovisionathon ended on the day of Eurovision’s Grand Final. A country’s combined jury and televote score determined how many points a readathon participant received. The more books a participant read, the more points they were given. Thirteen out of the fifteen books I read represented countries that competed in the Grand Final. Three of these books represented countries that missed the top twenty; Germany, Portugal, and Slovenia. Three books I read represented Moldova, Spain, and France, countries that made the top twenty. Croatia is the only country whose book I read that placed in the top fifteen. The rest of the books I read represented countries who were given top ten placements, with Israel, Finland, and Sweden among Eurovision’s top three countries.

Eurovisionathon 2023 Grand Final image created by Sally Silverscreen

With all of that said, my total score was two thousand, seven hundred, and ninety-three points! For my first time participating in Eurovisionathon, I’d say I did a pretty good job! With 2024’s contest on the horizon, I can’t wait to see what’s in store for next year’s readathon. Thank you, Helen, for hosting this event. The next Eurovision Song Contest can’t come soon enough!

Have fun in Sweden!

Sally Silverscreen

The Spring Cleaning Book Tag

When I reviewed The Princess and the Pirate last year, that article became my 300th movie review! Then, earlier this year, my review of Sea Change became my 325th movie review! As March is National Reading Month and since I haven’t written a reading related tag in three years, I’m commemorating these milestones with a book tag! While searching for a tag on Booktube (the book/reading community on Youtube), I stumbled upon the Spring Cleaning Book Tag video from the channel, OwlCrate. I realized I had an answer to every question the hosts shared in the video. I also remembered how spring is on the horizon. If any of my readers are interested in participating in the Spring Cleaning Book Tag, they are welcome to write their own tag posts!

Happy reading place image created by Freepik at <a href=””>Background vector created by freepik –</a>. Image found at

1. The Struggle of Getting Started – A book or book series you struggle to begin because of its size

In the past, I’ve read the first book and the short story collection in The Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children series. While I have enjoyed reading those books, I’ve struggled to continue past the first novel. This is because I haven’t found the time to read the rest of the series. At one point, I did start the second book, only to not finish it. I do want to read more of the Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children books. I just need to make a stronger effort to continue.

2. Cleaning Out the Closet – A book or book series you want to unhaul

For last month’s Buzzwordathon, I reviewed The Kidnapping of Christina Lattimore by Joan Lowery Nixon. Because of Joan’s creative decisions, I found the book disappointing. The protagonist, Christina, makes several contradictions that could make a reader frustrated. Joan prioritizing Christina’s “coming of age” story caused the novel’s suspense to be far and few between, as well as provide a lack of urgency. So, if I had the opportunity to unhaul a book, I’d select The Kidnapping of Christina Lattimore.

3. Opening Windows and Letting Fresh Air In – A book that was refreshing

Since I’ve read some books in the Murder, She Wrote series, I’ll choose these stories for this prompt! What I like about the series is how the books aren’t novelizations of episodes the show’s fans have already seen. Instead, these stories are new, unique tales featuring characters and settings fans of Murder, She Wrote have come to know and adore. Creating a new story takes creativity and effort. So, the fact this series contains different stories from the show is, in my opinion, refreshing!

4. Washing Out the Sheets’ Stains – A book you wish you could re-write a certain scene in

As I mentioned in my tag post, The “Flaming Hot…5 Reasons Why” Tag, Kili is my favorite character from The Hobbit trilogy. With that said, I would re-write the conclusion of The Battle of the Five Armies, so Kili and the rest of The Company could receive a more victorious outcome. If this had happened, that victorious outcome might have been translated to The Hobbit trilogy.

Taking out the trash photo created by Katemangostar at <a href=’’>Designed by Freepik</a>. <a href=””>Person image created by Katemangostar –</a>. Image found on

5. Throwing Out Unnecessary Knick-Knacks – A book in a series you didn’t feel was necessary

Off the top of my head, I couldn’t think of an unnecessary book in a series. But when I first heard the prompt, I thought of an unnecessary subplot in a book, so I’ll talk about that instead. In Private L.A., by James Patterson and Mark Sullivan, I was not a fan of Justine’s subplot, specifically the part where she develops romantic feelings for a man named Paul. Not only did I not sense chemistry between Paul and Justine, this part of the story wasn’t resolved. Personally, I wish James and Mark had solely focused on Justine coming to terms with her PTSD symptoms.

6. Polishing the Door Knobs – A book that had a clean finish

Not every book is meant to start a series or a literary universe. Sometimes, a story only needs to be told in one book. That leads me to bring up Words on Bathroom Walls by Julia Walton! Without spoiling the book or its film adaptation, I will say the story had a definitive ending, with everything wrapping up as nicely as possible. While I wouldn’t oppose a sequel to Adam’s story, I don’t think it’s necessary.

7. Reaching to Dust the Fan – A book that tried too hard to relay a certain message

Definitely California Angel by Nancy Taylor Rosenberg. It seems like Nancy tried to capitalize on programs like Touched by an Angel and Miracle on 34th Street without presenting or attempting to present a complete understanding for what made those programs work. Also, it seems like Nancy used faith as an excuse to avoid explaining why certain events were taking place in the story.

8. The Tiring, Yet Satisfying Finish of Spring Cleaning – A book series that was tiring, yet satisfying, to get through

For this last prompt, I’ll be selecting All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr instead. Reading the novel for 2022’s Buzzwordathon, I completed this 500+ page story in less than six month’s time. Though it took me longer to read than I expected, I’m glad I finally read the book! Because I finished All the Light We Cannot See, I can now have an honest opinion about it.

Employee leaving job image created by at”>Business vector created by – Image found at

Have fun during National Reading Month!

Sally Silverscreen

The Great Muppet Guest Star Caper Double Feature is On Its Way!

Last December, when I published my review of the 1981 made-for-TV movie, When the Circus Came to Town, it was my 700th post! For those who are not familiar with my annual double features, I commemorate the accomplishment of publishing 100 articles by hosting a special double feature, written in an interview style. In the past, my double features sought to answer a pre-selected question or see whether a prediction was correct. This time around, I will not include a pre-determined prediction or question. That’s because this double feature will correlate with The Great Muppet Guest Star Caper Blogathon! When I was invited by Gill (from Realweegiemidget Reviews) to join the event, I was told duplicates were not allowed. Keeping this in mind, I was surprised none of the Muppet movies had been chosen. I was also surprised to discover Big Bird (of Sesame Street fame) had been a guest star on The Muppet Show. With all of that said, I will be reviewing The Great Muppet Caper and Follow That Bird for the 700th double feature!

The Great Muppet Guest Star Caper banner created by Rebecca from Taking Up Room and Gill from Realweegiemidget Reviews

Have fun at the blogathon!

Sally Silverscreen

Take 3: Top Gun: Maverick Review + 450 Follower Thank You

A few days ago, 18 Cinema Lane received its 450th follower! With that achievement comes a Blog Follower Dedication Review! A few of my recent movie reviews were for films released in the 2020s. I recently saw Top Gun: Maverick, the sequel to Top Gun. Therefore, I will continue this momentum by writing about the 2022 blockbuster! While I’ve only seen pieces of Top Gun, I am familiar with its general premise. I’m also aware of how Top Gun: Maverick is the second film about the United States Navy I’ve reviewed this month. About a week ago, I wrote about the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Christmas film, USS Christmas. In that review, I said the 2020 title was a nice, pleasant film. Even though USS Christmas was fine, it wasn’t an instant classic for me or a new favorite movie. How will Top Gun: Maverick compare to the aforementioned Hallmark project? Keep reading this review if you have a need, a need to find out the answer!

Top Gun: Maverick poster created by Skydance Media, Don Simpson/Jerry Bruckheimer Films, and Paramount Pictures

Things I liked about the film:

The acting: Jennifer Connelly portrayed Penny, a character who was not in Top Gun. Despite being a sequel exclusive character, it felt like Penny was always meant to be in the story. The on-screen chemistry between Jennifer and Tom Cruise is an example of this statement. When Maverick visits Penny’s bar for the first time in years, he reconnects with Penny. Their interactions are friendly, a camaraderie that appears natural between them. This on-screen chemistry was consistent, which allowed Maverick and Penny’s interactions to be pleasant to watch! Speaking of Maverick, let’s talk about Tom’s performance! Since the story of Top Gun: Maverick takes place over thirty years after its predecessor, Maverick’s personality has matured in that time. However, it still contained that “prove ‘em wrong” spirit that makes him such a beloved character. In a scene where Maverick is seeking advice from Iceman, he reflects on the loss of his friend, Goose. As the past collides with the present, Maverick becomes emotional, tears quickly filling his eyes and his bottom lip quivering. This scene shows how, even though Maverick carries himself with a sense of professionalism, emotion still shines through, thanks to Tom’s strong acting abilities!

I’m not familiar with Miles Teller’s filmography or acting talents. However, I really liked his performance in Top Gun: Maverick! Miles portrayed Rooster, Goose’s son. Rooster’s involvement with the Top Gun program causes tension between Rooster and Maverick. During a disagreement between these two characters, Rooster has a lot to get off his chest. He starts yelling at Maverick, the anger felt, seen, and heard in Rooster’s voice and face. Even though Rooster’s anger is explosive in this scene, Miles displays control over his character’s emotions. He also has potential to be the lead actor in a future film!

The cinematography: Sometimes, action films can be plagued with “shaky cam”. This causes the events on screen to be indistinguishable, which can impact an audience member’s enjoyment of a movie. Fortunately, this is not the case for Top Gun: Maverick! During the scenes where characters are flying, there are many shots of them within their respective planes. There are also shots of the planes in various positions, directions, and angles. These shots are captured with a steady camera, delivered with crisp precision and clarity. One of my favorite scenes was when Maverick is racing his motorcycle alongside a plane. Showcased in a medium shot, this race contains the spirit Maverick has exuded since the first film. With a steady camera, the shot is presented from Maverick’s right side, with Maverick in the fore-ground and the plane in the background.

Including a mission: From the pieces of Top Gun I’ve seen, I recall the story heavily revolving around the training within the Top Gun program. While there is training in Top Gun: Maverick, the story prioritized an overarching mission instead. Each step of the mission is presented with the use of modern technology, such as computerized images on a television monitor. The inclusion of this mission gave the characters something to work towards. It also gave them a conflict to resolve. From an audience perspective, the mission keeps them invested in the story as it unfolds.

Military plane image created by Brgfx at <a href=””>Background vector created by brgfx –</a>. Image found at

What I didn’t like about the film:

No inclusion of the quote, “I have a need, a need for speed”: One of the most iconic parts of Top Gun is the quote; “I have a need, a need for speed”. That quote is not only the most recognizable one from the 1986 movie, it’s one of the most famous quotes of all time. With the amount of respect given toward the predecessor in Top Gun: Maverick, I expected the aforementioned quote to be included somewhere in the 2022 film. Unfortunately, this quote was never spoken or referenced. I know this seems like a trivial flaw. But I think not including the quote is a missed opportunity.

Iceman’s fate: For this part of my review, I will spoil Top Gun: Maverick. If you have not seen this movie and plan on watching it, skip this portion and go straight to where it says “A limited distribution of character development”.

Iceman makes an appearance in Top Gun: Maverick. Even though he has become an Admiral and the commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, Iceman is dealing with medical related issues. These issues lead to his death around the film’s half-way point. I am aware the story needed a conflict. But having one of the “legacy” characters die felt, to me, like the film was giving mixed messages. As I already mentioned, Top Gun: Maverick was respectful toward its predecessor, emphasizing the idea of honoring the past and respecting what came before you. If this sentiment is true, then why would the movie’s creative team allow Iceman to be written out the way he was? Couldn’t Iceman be allowed to live his life as peacefully as possible? I know the Top Gun story wasn’t intended to become a franchise. However, I don’t believe Iceman should have died, especially since Goose already died in the first film.

A limited distribution of character development: When a story involves a group of people, it can, sometimes, be difficult to evenly distribute character development to every character in that group. In Top Gun: Maverick’s case, this flaw wasn’t avoided. Among the group of young lieutenants, the two that receive the most character development are Hangman and Rooster. Some of the lieutenants get a little bit of character development, while the rest don’t receive any. Besides Rooster and Hangman, I felt like I truly didn’t get to know the lieutenants, just simply became familiar with them. Like I’ve mentioned before in this review, I have only seen pieces of Top Gun. Therefore, I don’t know if this flaw was in that film. But since a part of Top Gun: Maverick’s story focuses on a team working together, I wish I had gotten to know more than just two lieutenants.

Children holding American flags during a sunset image created by at <a href=””>People photo created by –</a>. Image found at

My overall impression:

During the overarching mission in Top Gun: Maverick, there are two miracles that are discussed. While I won’t be revealing these miracles, as I don’t want to spoil the film, I will be talking about the two miracles this movie produced. The first miracle is the amount of reverence and respect Top Gun: Maverick displayed for its predecessor. Creating a sequel to a beloved movie, especially after a thirty plus year time frame, is a challenging feat. I can only speak for myself, but I think Top Gun: Maverick’s creative team pulled off this feat better than expected! The second miracle is how successful Top Gun: Maverick has become since its release. In a post-pandemic cinematic landscape, having a film garner over a billion dollars has become rarer than it was a decade ago. Even if a movie does acquire that much money, it may not receive critical praise. Top Gun: Maverick not only acquired a large profit, but also achieved critical acclaim. With all that said, this movie truly pulled off the impossible. Before I end this review, I’d like to point out how this review represents a miracle. That miracle is the success of 18 Cinema Lane, which would not be possible without my blog’s followers. Therefore, I would like to thank each and every one of them!

Overall score: 8.3 out of 10

Have you seen Top Gun and/or Top Gun: Maverick? Which movie do you think deserves a sequel? Please tell me in the comment section below!

Have fun at the movies!

Sally Silverscreen

The Winners of The 4th Annual Gold Sally Awards + the Future of the Gold Sally Awards

Since 2019, I created the Gold Sally Awards. What was once a way to recognize the best Hallmark had to offer, it evolved into a series of polls highlighting the films covered or discussed on 18 Cinema Lane. In the beginning, voter turn-out was strong. The polls served their purpose of allowing readers to interact with my blog’s content. But as time went on, voter turn-out dwindled. There were times when I’ve had to select the winners because a particular poll didn’t receive any votes. With all that said, I will continue the Gold Sally Awards. But starting next year, there will no longer be voting polls. Instead, I am going to create separate, individual awards that are more unique/creative/fun. Now that this update is out of the way, it’s time to announce the winners of this year’s Gold Sally Awards!

Similar to last year, I created a collage on PowerPoint of this year’s winners. Screenshot taken by me, Sally Silverscreen.

Best Movie: The King and I

Best Story: The Three Musketeers

Best Ensemble: The Karate Kid

Best On-Screen Couple: Marshall Williams and Natalie Hall — Sincerely, Yours, Truly

Best Actress: Janel Parrish – Holly & Ivy

Best Actor: Marshall WilliamsSincerely, Yours, Truly

Best Supporting Actress: Jean Porter – Bathing Beauty

Best Supporting Actor: Robert Mitchum – Cape Fear

Sally’s Star of the Year: Bai Ling

Have fun at the movies!

Sally Silverscreen