Take 3: Avengers: Endgame (SPOILER-ZONE) Review

One opening weekend and three hours later, Avengers: Endgame has officially owned the box office! With both the domestic and foreign box office records being broken, Avengers: Endgame will certainly be a movie for the history books. Because I posted my spoiler-free review on April 27th, within the film’s opening weekend, I chose to publish my spoiler-zone review this weekend. This way, any of my readers or followers who wanted to see Avengers: Endgame could do so without being spoiled. In this review, I will expand upon the things that I didn’t like about this film, since I talked about them only vaguely. However, I will also discuss spoiler related things from the movie that I liked. Similar to my spoiler-zone review of Avengers: Infinity War, this post will be long. So, with that out of the way, let the spoiler review for Avengers: Endgame begin!

Be aware that there are spoilers ahead!

Yes, I know this is the same picture I used for my spoiler-free review of Avengers: Endgame. But, I didn’t have time to take a separate picture for this spoiler-zone review. Screenshot taken by me, Sally Silverscreen.
  • A slower first half: As I said in my spoiler-free review, I thought that the first half of Avengers: Endgame had a slower pace than the second half. Now that I’m publishing my spoiler-zone review, I can give an explanation to what I said. The first half of the movie was not only meant to build-up to the time-traveling portion of the story, but it was also reserved for the exploration of loss that I talked about in my spoiler-free review. The majority of Avengers: Endgame takes place five years after the events of Avengers: Infinity War, so it makes sense for this exploration of loss to be incorporated into the first half. The various superheroes that had survived the events of the previous film had gone on their separate ways. This first half also showed how these heroes came back together in order to accomplish their mission. When the time-traveling portion of Avengers: Endgame began, that’s when the pace picked up.


  • Plot Points that Complicate Future MCU Projects: In my spoiler-free review, I mentioned that there were a few plot points that confused me in the context of future MCU projects. Because this is my spoiler-zone review, now I can explain what these plot points are and why they confused me. The first was when Black Widow died as she was sacrificing her life to acquire the Soul Stone. Even though this was a shocking moment that I did not see coming, it brought up questions about the upcoming Black Widow movie that was announced to premiere after Avengers: Endgame. Will this movie be a prequel or will Marvel find a way to bring Black Widow back and tell her story in the present? These next two plot points bring up confusion for the upcoming shows on the Disney streaming service, Disney+. One of these shows is WandaVision and from what I’m heard, the show will be about both Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff and Vision. However, Vision never made an appearance in Avengers: Endgame. So, does this mean that the show will be about Wanda trying to find Vision? Was Vision in another area of the world/universe completing his own mission? Another show that was announced is Falcon & Winter Soldier, which will feature both Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes. But, toward the end of Avengers: Endgame, Sam receives the title of Captain America. Since Sam is an Avenger (again) and Bucky is not an Avenger (again), will Sam end up being the star of the show, with Bucky being a supporting character? Will the title change to Captain America & White Wolf (since Bucky hasn’t been the Winter Soldier since 2014 and he was called “White Wolf” in the end-credit scene of Black Panther)? With these creative decisions being made, it seems like the creative team behind Avengers: Endgame wasn’t willing to address this confusion because they were probably not prepared to do that. Their job was not to promote the MCU’s future projects, but to tell the story at hand. If Avengers: Endgame’s creative team knew that these creative choices were going to affect upcoming projects, they should have at least used dialogue or interesting story-telling to answer some of these questions.
Avengers Endgame Bucky poster
Avengers: Endgame Bucky Barnes poster created by The Walt Disney Company and Marvel Studios. © Disney•Pixar. All rights reserved. Marvel and Avengers Characters: ©2017 Marvel. Image found at https://www.marvel.com/articles/movies/mcu-heroes-unveil-avengers-endgame-character-posters
  • A Personal Disappointment: This paragraph is about something that personally disappointed me in Avengers: Endgame. What ended up making me feel this way is connected to one of the things that I didn’t like about this movie. In my post called “A Movie Blogger’s Christmas Wish-List”, two of the things that I wanted was for Bucky’s cure to be confirmed in Avengers: Endgame and for Bucky to become the next Captain America. Unfortunately, none of those things happened. I get it, some wishes weren’t meant to come true. And I’m fine with Sam receiving the title of Captain America. However, if the creative team behind Avengers: Endgame were going to add something new to Sam’s story in preparation for the show, Falcon & Winter Soldier, they should have also added something new to Bucky’s story to get the Bucky fans excited for the show. In the scene where Steve gives Sam the shield, it almost seemed like Bucky was an afterthought, as he was standing in the distance and watching everything going on in front of him. Since the creative team knew that Bucky wasn’t going to become the next Captain America, they should have, at least, given him another superhero title to make up for it. Had they made Bucky an Avenger by expanding upon the White Wolf “title” he was given in the end-credit scene from Black Panther, I would’ve been totally content with that. It would have given me, as a Bucky fan, an incentive to want to watch the show. Could Bucky’s cure be confirmed in Falcon & Winter Soldier? Possibly. Could Bucky finally receive a superhero title on that show? Again, it’s possible. But, because the creative team behind Avengers: Endgame weren’t prepared to acknowledge Falcon & Winter Soldier, their creative choices brought up more confusion and complications for the show than they were willing to address. Because of this, I’m finding it very difficult to get excited about Falcon & Winter Soldier. I want this show to be good and I want it to be something enjoyable for both the Sam and Bucky fans. But I’ll wait to hear what other people have to say about the show first, in order to determine if it’s worth the price of admission.
Yes, I know I used this picture in my spoiler-free review of Avengers: Endgame. But, I thought this picture was relevant for this specific review. Screenshot taken by me, Sally Silverscreen.
  • Genuine surprises: Black Widow’s death was definitely one of the most shocking moments within this movie. But it wasn’t the only shocking death in Avengers: Endgame. Toward the end of the film, Tony Stark/Iron Man dies in order to use his own Infinity Gauntlet to snap Thanos and his army out of existent. This was shocking for me because I did not think Iron Man would pass away, considering how popular both the character and Robert Downey Jr. are. The character that I did think would pass away, Steve Rogers/Captain America, did not lose his life. Instead, he manipulated time in order to live out his life with Peggy Carter. Not all of the surprises had to do with a character’s fate. One example is Joe Russo’s cameo toward the beginning of the film. Pleasant surprises like this kept Avengers: Endgame


  • Clarifications on things from Avengers: Infinity War: In my spoiler-zone review of Avengers: Infinity War, I mentioned how some of the creative choices that were made in that movie ended up confusing me. One of them was how Rocket was one of heroes that survived Thanos’ plan. In Avengers: Endgame, when Rocket teamed up with Thor to retrieve two of the Infinity Stones, Rocket’s explanation for why he was with Thor helped his survival make more sense. Another interesting choice that, at the time, confused me was why Rhodey/War Machine was one of the remaining heroes at the end of Avengers: Infinity War. However, when Rhodey and Nebula were paired together, in Avengers: Endgame, to collect one of the Infinity Stones, the reason for this creative decision was well-explained. It was because both Rhodey and Nebula have been mechanically “repaired” over the course of their cinematic journeys. It definitely helped that Avengers: Endgame was released exactly a year after Avengers: Infinity War, as it seemed to give this film’s creative team a sense of urgency to make some of these clarifications.
Avengers Endgame poster
Avengers: Endgame poster created by The Walt Disney Company and Marvel Studios. © Disney•Pixar. All rights reserved. Marvel and Avengers Characters: ©2017 Marvel. Image found at https://www.marvel.com/articles/movies/marvel-studios-reveals-avengers-endgame-poster.

There’s definitely going to be some comparisons and contrasts to the spoiler-zone review for both Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame. But after the dust has settled (no pun intended), I ended up liking this movie a little bit more than Avengers: Infinity War. As I’ve explained, this was not a perfect or near perfect film. But I thought Avengers: Endgame was enjoyable for what it was. There were some creative choices that confused me as to how they will affect some of the future MCU projects. Hopefully, this confusion will be cleared up as the months go on. I’ve seen other responses for the film and it has been a variety of reactions. Some of these opinions are similar to mine, while others are the complete opposite. To this I say that it’s ok. Everyone is going to see this movie through their own unique lens. In fact, if any of my readers or followers have a different opinion than me about Avengers: Endgame, that’s fine. As long as we can have a conversation that is respectful to all parties. Now that we’ve reached the end of this post, I’d just like to wish everyone a happy Summer movie season! Since Avengers: Endgame has premiered in what is now considered the start of the Summer box office season, the battle to become the number one movie of the Summer has officially begun!

I apologize for using some of the same pictures I used in my Avengers: Endgame spoiler-free review. It’s not that I’m lazy, these pictures are just that relevant. Screenshot taken by me, Sally Silverscreen.

What are your thoughts on this review? Are there any other spoilers that you would like to discuss? Tell me in the comment section!


Have fun at the movies!

Sally Silverscreen


If you want to learn more about some of the future MCU projects I referenced in this review, check out Grace Randolph’s videos called “Disney Plus BREAKDOWN – Marvel Shows, Release Date, News” and “Black Widow Movie Cast – Florence Pugh” on her Youtube channel, Beyond The Trailer.

Take 3: Avengers: Endgame (SPOILER-FREE) Review

After billions of dollars, millions of fans, thousands of talent, hundreds of source material, eleven years, and one dream, Avengers: Endgame has finally made its grand entrance. This seems like a movie for the history books, even before its release. Websites offering tickets crashed multiple times, yet the film still owned records in the process. Trailers and tv spots appeared wherever they could, announcing their message like the sound of a trumpet. The official premiere had their carpet decked out in purple, representing the villain’s signature color. With the opening weekend upon us, the time has come for me to review the film! I’ll be honest, I had lower expectations for this movie than I did for Avengers: Infinity War. This was due to the ending and end credits scene of the aforementioned predecessor. However, because Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame are a two-part story, I wanted to find out what happens next. With positive word-of-mouth and skyrocketing levels of anticipation, it seems like other people had the same idea I did. Speaking of ideas, I requested six films for a potential Breening review at Pure Entertainment Preservation Society. One of these films, The Moon-Spinners, was just given a Breening Thursday article on the blog! This was such an insightful review about how the Breen Code could be applied to this film. Make sure you check out that review as well as this review of Avengers: Endgame!

Breening Thursday: 24. “The Moon-Spinners” from 1964

When I saw this at my local cinema, I knew I just had to take a picture of it for this post! Screenshot taken by me, Sally Silverscreen.
Things I liked about the film:

  • The acting: Like in Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers: Endgame had a great cast! Everyone did a really good job at portraying their characters, no matter what the size of their role was. All of the reactions, expressions, and behaviors appeared as realistic as possible, helping me, as a movie-goer, stay invested in the film. Also, like in Avengers: Infinity War, the comedic and dramatic timing was perfectly executed. This helped both types of moments stick the landing.


  • The different ways of dealing with loss: Within Avengers: Endgame, one of the narratives was how the heroes dealt with loss. This aspect of the film reminded me of Flicka: Country Pride, where grief affected almost all of the characters. Each of the heroes faced the subject of loss in a very different way, highlighting how everyone has their own way of dealing with this topic. This aspect of the story really added some depth to the overall project. It was an interesting addition to each of the characters’ stories, as this narrative helped incorporate a distinct stepping stone in these individuals’ character development. Understanding the different ways that the characters react to loss helped to show how they move forward from it.


  • The special effects: All of the special effects in Avengers: Endgame looked really good! They were not only photogenic, they also had very unique color palettes. The different colors that were used for these special effects were complimentary, working in their favor to be appealing to the eye. The various locations in this film appeared so realistic, I wondered if one scene in particular was filmed on location or created with CGI. This reminded me of the scenery in Avengers: Infinity War. Also, just like in Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos’ overall design looked and felt very real. This helped continue the believability of the character as well as my investment in his story.


  • Balance between comedy and drama: As I already mentioned, the comedic and dramatic timing was perfectly executed. This was not only because of the acting performances, but also because of the writing. Both the comedic and dramatic moments were spaced out really nicely, with the narrative maintaining a good amount of intrigue. What also helps is that these moments felt genuine. It makes their emotional weight effective, whether it is light-hearted or serious.

Like last year, Bucky, Bucky, and Thor joined me on this cinematic adventure! Screenshot taken by me, Sally Silverscreen.
What I didn’t like about the film:

  • A slower first half: Because this a spoiler-free review, I will be very mindful of what I say in this post. To me, the first half of the film had a slower pace than the second half. I understand that this part of the film was meant to be build-up for upcoming events. However, that build-up seemed to be a little bit longer than I expected. This pace does eventually pick up at the start of a particular event.


  • Confusing plot points: In this film, there were a few plot points that confused me. They didn’t confuse me in the context of the film, but they did confuse me in the context of future MCU projects. These plot points seemed to bring up more questions than I was expecting. Since this is a spoiler-free review, I’ll explain more about what confused me in my spoiler-zone review.
It looks like I’m not the only one who was impressed with this display. Screenshot taken by me, Sally Silverscreen.

My overall impression:

History is a very interesting thing. It makes us who we are and helps us shape the world around us. What do you we want to be remembered for? What legacy do we want to leave behind? When we look back on Avengers: Endgame, what will this film be known for? Even though it’s way too early to determine this film’s place in history, we can definitely talk about its immediate impact. Starting with my own thoughts, Avengers: Endgame is a great film! While it’s not perfect, it does do a good job at being an entertaining and enjoyable movie. Something I noticed while watching this film was how much heart, soul, love, passion, and care seemed to be put into this project. It felt like the creative team behind this movie tried their best to make something that a large amount of people would enjoy. It’s unclear what the future holds for the MCU, but we at least have an idea of the kind of legacy it will leave behind.


Overall score: 9 out of 10


Have you seen Avengers: Endgame? Are you looking forward to my spoiler-zone review? Tell me what you think in the comment section!


Have fun at the movies!

Sally Silverscreen

The Top 10 Best Movies I saw in 2018

As the sun sets for December, as well as 2018, lots of movie bloggers have participated in creating the lists of movies that they have liked and disliked. What I’ve noticed about these lists is that they’re filled with movies that are newly released films. While I have also decided to partake in making end-of-year movie lists, my lists will be slightly different from the rest. This difference is any movie that I saw within the year of 2018 is fair game. Like I said in my Top 10 Worst Hallmark Movies of All Time post, both of my end-of-year movie lists are not only based on my opinion, but also based on movies that I have personally seen. Before I talk about the list itself, I just wanted to mention that both of my movie lists were not created to be mean-spirited or negative toward anyone’s opinions/cinematic preferences. These lists are simply a way for me to be honest about the films that I liked and disliked within 2018. Now, as the title suggests, this is the list where I will share the Top 10 Best Movies I saw in 2018. I’ve been very grateful to have had a really good year in terms of movie-viewing. I’m not going to lie, this list was not easy to create. There were a good amount of films I saw, and sometimes reviewed, this year that I really liked. However, with the nature of any Top 10 list, there are bound to be movies that don’t make the cut. Speaking of which, let’s begin with this short list of 2018’s Honorable Mentions:


Hallmark Hall of Fame’s Christmas Everlasting, The Dark Knight, Love, Of Course, Christmas at Pemberley Manor, Darrow & Darrow: In the Key of Murder, Escape to Witch Mountain, Return from Witch Mountain, Shoelaces for Christmas, Flicka: Country Pride, Strangers on a Train, Hailey Dean Mysteries: A Will to Kill, Pearl in Paradise, The Bad Seed (2018), Christmas on the Coast, Love, Once and Always, and Runaway Romance

new year 2018 text made with particles bursting upwards
2018 in gold dust image created by Starline at freepik.com. <a href=”https://www.freepik.com/free-photos-vectors/background”>Background vector created by Starline – Freepik.com</a>. <a href=’https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/new-year-2018-text-made-with-particles-bursting-upwards_1472355.htm’>Designed by Starline</a>.  Image found at freepik.com.

Now, the moment has come to start the official list! Let’s start with number 10:


10. Wedding of Dreams

Like I mentioned in my review for Wedding of Dreams, I said that, in 2016, I would have debated about why For Love and Honor was more deserving of a sequel than Summer of Dreams. However, Wedding of Dreams was not only a good movie individually, but also a great continuation to this particular story! One of my least favorite clichés that Hallmark has ever incorporated into their films is the “planning-a-wedding-in-an-unrealistic-time-period” cliché. While this cliché does appear in Wedding of Dreams, it was written in a way that actually makes sense for that specific story. What also helped this movie is not having this cliché be the primary focus. Instead, it serves as an interconnecting subplot that works together with another subplot. To me, this was the best wedding themed movie that Hallmark released in 2018!


9. Avengers: Infinity War

Despite the fact that I wasn’t a fan of this film’s ending and end-credit scene, I still found it to be an enjoyable film. All of the key components of Avengers: Infinity War looked and felt like they are handled with great care. Every detail, from the acting to Thanos himself, were put at the right place and time in order to create an entertaining cinematic experience! Besides the ending and end-credit scene, I was disappointed by the movie being more of a “set-up” film than I had expected. But, as I said in my spoiler-zone review of Avengers: Infinity War, I will take Dale Travers’ advice to “trust the timing” as I patiently wait for the arrival of Avengers: Endgame.


8. Oliver!

Yes, I know I just reviewed this movie recently. But, when I look back on all the movies that I’ve seen, and reviewed, in 2018, Oliver! just makes me smile. Honestly, this has quickly become one of my favorite movie musicals, with an engaging story and memorable songs. Even as I list these movies one by one, I still think of the song “Consider Yourself”. A great thing about movies is they can have the ability to find a special place in your heart. For me, this is exactly what Oliver! did, finding a special place in my heart in order to be carried and remembered as time goes on. As I mentioned in my review, this movie is one of the reasons why I’m thinking about reading Oliver Twist in 2019!


7. Christmas in Evergreen: Letters to Santa

Out of all the Christmas movies that were released from Hallmark in 2017, Christmas in Evergreen was one of the last movies I would have expected to receive a sequel. However, this sequel pleasantly surprised me by how good of a film it was! What’s so great about Christmas in Evergreen: Letters to Santa is that it adds something new to the story, as well as expand the world of Evergreen. It was nice to see two interesting, on-going mysteries in this film, with one of them leading to one of the best plot-twists in Hallmark movie history! Hallmark has proven that Evergreen is a truly special place, creating a likable environment filled with likable characters. I really hope Hallmark considers continuing the series, as I’m sure more stories can be found within this precious town.


6. Cowgirls ‘N Angels

This year, I was pleasantly surprised to find two horse themed movies that I really liked! One of these films was Cowgirls ‘N Angels, a movie that I had heard about, but never seen until 2018. The story within this movie was very sweet and emotional, keeping me invested throughout this cinematic journey. Bailee Madison’s performance was so great, it was actually one of her best acting performances that I’ve ever seen! Even though she was the youngest cast member in Cowgirls ‘N Angels, she still found a way to bring so much versatility and emotion to her character. It makes wish to see Bailee receive a dramatic role in a Hallmark movie. Yes, I know Bailee is an important member of the Good Witch television show. But, it’s been two or three years since we’ve seen Bailee star in a Hallmark movie that wasn’t Good Witch affiliated.

Avengers Infinity War Bucky poster
I think it’s safe to say that my friends, Bucky and Bucky, had a pretty good 2018! Screenshot taken by me, Sally Silverscreen.

5. L. M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables: Fire & Dew

I have seen all of PBS’s Anne of Green Gables films starring Ella Ballentine, with the first movie being good and the second movie being just decent. However, I thought this third movie was the best one in this trilogy! Something that really impressed me about this story was the messages and themes that were found within the film’s narrative. These messages and themes, such as the importance of education, were not only worth promoting, but were also presented in a way that seemed very realistic. This made me feel good about what I was watching, like that time was well spent. I hope that PBS considers creating more movies for this series, as I would definitely like to see Anne’s story continue. For the most part, this particular Anne of Green Gables series has had a pretty good track record when it comes to quality. PBS has proven that they have what it takes to make entertaining and meaningful films.


4. Jurassic Park

I had such a great movie-going experience when I saw Jurassic Park at a Fathom Events screening. One of the reasons why is how great of a movie this was! For me, Jurassic Park has almost everything I could want in a movie, making the movie itself such a memorable masterpiece. I mentioned in my review that I saw Jurassic Park for the first time in 2018. Looking back on this film, I’m glad I chose to review this movie when I received 25 followers on my blog. Otherwise, I might have missed out on a truly spectacular film! I have not yet seen the other films within this series, so I might have to make time to see them in 2019.


3. Saving Mr. Banks

This is a film that I’m so glad to have finally seen! I said in my review of Saving Mr. Banks that I have wanted to see this film for a while. When I received five followers on 18 Cinema Lane, I decided to make the time to see this movie. I can only speak for myself, but I think I made a wise choice. There were several great things about this film that helped make it the gem that it is. Similar to what I said about Avengers: Infinity War, everything about Saving Mr. Banks seems like it has handled with such great care. Because of this, my experience with watching this film ended up being a great one!


2. Cooking with Love 

This was the first movie to receive a perfect score (10 out of 10) out of all the movies I reviewed in 2018! Even after all these months later, I can still remember how excited I was to share my thoughts about Cooking with Love with all my readers and followers. This movie took something that I love (the Hallmark movie, This Magic Moment) and added even more creativity to it. There were so many great elements in this film, that it truly makes me smile just thinking about the film as a whole. While there were a few things that I didn’t like about the movie, these things were minor and didn’t affect my overall enjoyment of the movie. I would definitely love to see Cooking with Love receive a sequel, especially since there are enough story elements within this narrative to naturally lend itself well to a second chapter.


1. Royally Ever After

While Cooking with Love was the first movie to receive a perfect score on 18 Cinema Lane, it was definitely not the last. Royally Ever After also received a score of 10 out of 10! There is no such thing as a “perfect” Hallmark movie. But, to me, this film was the first Hallmark movie I’ve seen in quite a while to be as close to “perfect” as possible. The best part of Royally Ever After is how the creative team behind this project went out of their way to use as few “Hallmark royal movie” clichés as possible. It felt like Hallmark had taken a concept that had been told so many times and give it a much welcomed “breath of fresh air”. Like Cooking with Love, Royally Ever After has enough story elements to naturally lend itself towards a sequel. Besides, as far as I know, Hallmark has never made a movie that featured a royal wedding. This would be a great way for this movie to, potentially, be the start of a new series!

Royally Ever After poster
Royally Ever After poster created by Crown Media Family Networks and Hallmark Channel. Image found at https://www.crownmediapress.com/Shows/PRShowDetail?SiteID=142&FeedBoxID=845&NodeID=302&ShowType=&ShowTitle=Royally%20Ever%20After&IsSeries=False.

What did you think of my list? What was the best movie you saw in 2018? Please let me know in the comment section!


Have fun in 2019!


Sally Silverscreen

Word on the Street: Could we get a new Captain America sooner than we think?

Last month, all of my Word on the Street posts were about the upcoming Christmas movies from Hallmark. Now, with most of those movies officially announced and with both of Hallmark’s Christmas line-ups premiering just around the corner, it’s time to talk about a movie related subject that has yet to receive an outcome. Yesterday, on Screen Junkies News and Collider Movie Talk, as well as today on The John Campea Show, a tweet from Chris Evans has been the talk of the town. On all three of these movie news shows, it was reported that Chris may have indicated, in a recent tweet, that after Avengers 4, he would no longer portray Captain America. While no one in any of these videos confirmed or denied Captain America’s departure in the MCU, all of the panelists provided their opinions and thoughts as to what the meaning behind Chris’s tweet was. Some of them speculated that Chris’s tweet was the writing on the wall for what was to come in Avengers 4. Spencer Gilbert, from Screen Junkies News, pointed out that, because Captain America has avoided getting killed off for so long, he might end up facing his demise in Avengers 4. Mark Ellis and Jeff Sneider, from Collider Movie Talk, questioned what else was there left for Captain America to do once Avengers 4’s story had finished. There were other people who believed that Chris’s tweet was a calculated misdirection in order to avoid any of Avengers 4’s spoilers to be leaked. John Campea, from The John Campea Show, said that since there’s nothing within Chris’s tweet that explicitly says he’s leaving the MCU, there’s a chance that Chris could continue to portray Captain America in future Marvel films. Mark Reilly, from Collider Movie Talk, suggested that all Chris was probably doing was expressing his gratitude for the opportunity he’s had working with Marvel.

Did Marvel show their hand by revealing a potential spoiler for Avengers 4? Screenshot taken by me, Sally Silverscreen.
When I came across the Screen Junkies News video, ‘Chris Evans Says Goodbye to Captain America – SJU’, I wondered why Chris would say anything about Captain America’s fate before the first trailer for Avengers 4 had been released. As I mentioned earlier, nothing was confirmed or denied in any of these videos. After listening to all of the points of view that were found within these videos, I still believe Steve Rogers/Captain America could pass away in Avengers 4. I do agree with what Spencer said about Captain America’s potential fate. At the beginning of Avengers: Infinity War, when Thanos tells Thor, “No more resurrections this time”, I actually thought the writers of this movie were foreshadowing what was to come later in the film. Because Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers 4 are a story that’s told in two parts, maybe Captain America could get defeated by Thanos after all. In a video from the Youtube channel, Looper, titled ‘Why Avengers 4 Will Blow You Away’, the Russo Brothers shared that a specific journey/story arc that started in Captain America: The Winter Soldier would be concluded in Avengers 4. Since the Russo Brothers have directed both Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Captain America: Civil War as well as Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely writing all three Captain America movies, I think that Bucky might become the next Captain America, especially since there are subtle hints of that possibility within these films. Before this movie news story broke, I believed that Captain America could pass away toward the end of Avengers 4. Now, I think Steve Rogers could die in the middle of the film, with audiences getting a first glimpse of Bucky is his new superhero title like they did with Spider-Man and Black Panther in Captain America: Civil War.

Popcorn and movie ticket image created by Freepik at freepik.com. <a href=’https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/cinema-tickets-in-bucket-with-popcorn_2303439.htm’>Designed by Freepik</a>. <a href=”https://www.freepik.com/free-photos-vectors/layout”>Layout image created by Freepik</a>. Image found at freepik.com.

While we don’t know, right now, what the meaning behind Chris’s tweet is, I think Marvel had something to do with the timing of when this tweet got released. Out of all the days a tweet like this could show up on the internet, it just so happened to appear on the first day of New York Comic Con. Danielle Radford, from Screen Junkies News, mentioned that Marvel was planning on having a presence at this particular convention. I have a feeling that Marvel could reveal something significant relating to Avengers 4. Last year, Marvel premiered the very first trailer for Avengers: Infinity War at D23 and San Diego Comic Con. Maybe the first trailer for Avengers 4 will premiere at New York Comic Con? From a fan’s perspective, it would make sense for Marvel to show the trailer to convention guests a month before the public sees the trailer. The Avengers: Infinity War trailer was released to the public last November, so having a smaller window of time between New York Comic Con and a public trailer release could decrease the amount of leaked footage available for people unable to attend the convention to find. If this is what Marvel is planning on doing, this could make up for their absence at San Diego Comic Con and help the popularity of New York Comic Con grow.

New York City skyline with letters image created by Freepik at freepik.com. <a href=’https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/new-york-skyline-typographic-silhouette_719554.htm’>Designed by Freepik</a>. <a href=”https://www.freepik.com/free-photos-vectors/background”>Background vector created by Freepik</a>. Image found at freepik.com.

What do you think Captain America’s fate is in the MCU? Are you planning to go to New York Comic Con? Share your thoughts below in the comment section!


Have fun at the movies!

Sally Silverscreen


If you want to check out the videos I referenced in this post, you can go to the official Youtube channels of ScreenJunkies News, Collider Videos, and John Campea. You can also find the videos by typing the titles of each video into Youtube’s search bar. The titles to each video are the following:

  • ScreenJunkies News: ‘Chris Evans Says Goodbye to Captain America – SJU’ (just to let you know, there is some language within this video) Segment starts at 0:46 and ends at 8:31


  • Collider Videos: ‘Is Chris Evans Officially Done with Captain America? – Movie Talk’ Segment starts at 1:09 and ends at 14:48


  • John Campea’s The Movie Vlog: ‘Chris Evans Didn’t Actually Say He Was Done As Captain America’ – The John Campea Show (just to let you know, there is some language within this video) Segment starts at 18:28 and ends at 26:11


  • Why AVENGERS 4 Will Blow You Away – REACTION & ANALYSIS!!! (the original video has become unavailable, but you can watch the video within a Reel Rejects video. This video can be found on the official Youtube channel for The Reel Rejects)

My game plan for avoiding Avengers: Infinity War spoilers

Avengers: Infinity War is coming next weekend (where has the time gone?)! Whether it’s purchasing tickets or creating predictions with friends, fans everywhere are preparing for this movie’s long-waited arrival. An important part of that plan is avoiding that one thing every fan that cares about this movie despises: spoilers. Going to the movies is cost and time consuming as it is, so fans are wanting and hoping this movie is worth both their time and money. A fan’s excitement and future enjoyment could be easily destroyed if they catch wind of anything, including spoilers, that might ruin their experience. Now I’ve been avoiding all of the Avengers: Infinity War TV spots because I know there could be potential spoilers featured in them. So, I decided to create a game plan for myself so that I can have the best experience possible when I finally do see this movie. If you are looking forward to Avengers: Infinity War as much as I am, this list is meant to be a friendly set of guidelines that can help you enjoy the movie and have a good movie-going experience. Even though this list was made for me and by me, you are free to look at this list as an example to help you out.

Avengers Infinity War poster image
Avengers: Infinity War poster image created by  The Walt Disney Company and Marvel Studios. © Disney•Pixar. All rights reserved. Marvel and Avengers Characters: ©2017 Marvel. Image found at http://marvel.com/movies/movie/223/avengers_infinity_war.
  1. Staying the heck off of social media

When the Russo brothers, the directors of Avengers: Infinity War, and John Campea, from The John Campea Show, go out of their way to urge people not to spoil this film, that’s when you know this movie is going to be a big deal. Unfortunately, that advice is going to get ignored as spoilers will highly likely still be found in comment sections, on places such as Youtube and other blogs, and from accounts on sites like Pinterest, Tumblr, and the like. With this knowledge in mind, I will not visit any of these sites during the week of April 23rd (in case you don’t know, April 23rd is the day of the world premiere for Avengers: Infinity War). I will continue to make posts on my blog, but I am, personally, limiting my use of the internet.

  1. Reading

As I’ve mentioned in my post about the release of the trailer for Hallmark Hall of Fame’s The Beach House, I have not yet read Mary Alice Monroe’s novel (which is the basis for Hallmark’s film). Because The Beach House is premiering on April 28th, this gives me a good opportunity to read the book before I see the film. Reading this book does not require the internet, so it can give me something to do until I see Avengers: Infinity War.

  1. Watching movies

I did say earlier in this post that I will still make posts to 18 Cinema Lane. Because I haven’t posted a movie review yet, this gives me a great excuse to catch up on some Hallmark movies and figure out which movie I will review next.

  1. Preparing to see Avengers: Infinity War

Like a lot of fans and movie-goers, I am excited about Marvel’s latest film! In anticipation, I will be making some important decisions like what I’m going to wear and when I’m going to see the film. Because I want my movie-going experience to be the best it can be, taking the week of April 23rd to prepare for this movie will keep my excitement for this film alive. These things will not involve a lot of internet use, so spoilers will not be a concern.

Avengers Infinity War Logo
Avengers: Infinity War logo created by The Walt Disney Company and Marvel Studios. © Disney•Pixar. All rights reserved. Marvel and Avengers Characters: ©2017 Marvel. Image found at https://marvel.com/.

So, this is how I plan to avoid spoilers until I finally see Avengers: Infinity War. I hope that my game plan can help spark some ideas to help you in your quest for the best movie-going experience possible. Even though most of you have probably heard other people tell you this before, I will give you the friendly reminder to not give spoilers away for Avengers: Infinity War (especially if you are seeing the film early). As John Campea has stated in most of his videos, we are a part of a film-fan community. Being a part of a community should mean helping one another as well as showing respect and kindness.


If you plan on seeing Avengers: Infinity War, I wish you the best and most fun-filled movie-going experience imaginable!


If you want to watch John Campea’s video about not spoiling Avengers: Infinity War, you can find it on Youtube when typing “PLEASE No Spoiler Reviews Before Avengers Infinity War Opens – Open Letter” into the search bar. John Campea also talks about the Russo brothers’ letter encouraging people not to spoil Avengers: Infinity War in his video “Are Avengers, Solo, Deadpool Going To Hurt Each Other At The Box Office? – The John Campea Show”, which you can also find on Youtube.


What do you think of my game plan? How do you plan to avoid spoilers? Let me know in the comment section!


Have fun at the movies!

Sally Silverscreen